Inspiring people to reach their potential by uncovering hidden, latent, talent and empowering through impact to pursue the skilled job they deserve, and the economy requires.

PEOPLE: students, underemployed, special interest groups.

POTENTIAL: identify and bring to life undeniable talents.

IMPACT: a skilled job and sustainable career for everyone.

It starts by recognizing the undeniable truth of the human condition that everyone has the potential to fulfill in-demand high skilled jobs.

We do this through the application of modern, practical neuroscience that identifies, quantifies and brings to life the potential in anyone.

The uncertainties of a future marked by technology-driven disruptions to jobs and to the workplace need not be viewed with apprehension. Rather, it should be viewed with optimism and confidence: there will always be skilled jobs and through practical neuroscience, there will always be talent to fill those jobs.


PEOPLE: we treat every individual as uniquely gifted and talented, POTENTIAL: we reveal unique gifts , talents and special abilities and bring them into conscious awareness through experience that IMPACTS the individual to pursue aspirations previously though out of reach, leading some to pursue higher education, some to pursue credentials, and all to pursue high skilled jobs.

The way to address human problems requires a very human approach

Humanizing workforce development is not only a moral responsibility but also an economic necessity. Shortages of labor and skills gaps persist, hindering economic growth for employers, workers, and the broader economy. The conventional methods are not enough to tackle the upcoming challenges and opportunities.

How students and adult learners and job candidates are engaged in career exploration, enrollment and job applications have been dehumanized, this leaves many feeling disconnected and excluded. To create economic advantage for all requires engagement, and motivation so we’re bringing a very human approach to very human problems at scale.


The economic landscape demands connectedness, agility and responsiveness between stakeholders. Pathways with Purpose is the glue that strengthens connectivity and drives responsiveness for better outcomes in the workforce eco-system.




The connected eco-system is
stronger than its individual parts, to drive economic value and competitive advantage.




Industry 4.0 presents a unique, generational economic opportunity and needs for a future-ready workforce.





Career-connected education, reaching down to middle school and talent pipelines that meet employer needs.