K-12 Services

Local in demand jobs

We create local jobs DNA to attract students, creating a pipeline from the classroom into the workplace. We create the bridge between the two to get your institution in sync with local employer needs.

STEM and Other Skilled Jobs

Not enough students pursue the high skilled, high paying jobs, often through misconceptions. We attract students by demonstrating their fit and ability to succeed in very human ways that motivates.

Apply simple neuroscience in the classroom

Simple brain insights motivate learning and improve grades. We provide simple lesson plans and experential learning activities to engage students and keep them engaged. 

Student self study

Through low self awareness adolescents underestimate their strengths andf therefore, their potential. Our tools easily integrate self-study into curriculmn, shaping mindsets, empowerment, and career navigation from a foundation of self knowledge. 

Interactive learning tools

Students are not impacted by passively reading about themselves, we use experiential learning with interactive tools, and O*Net is programed into a students exclusive careers search engine, pre-loaded with their behavorial insights for engaging careers exploration, and our exclusive AI student coach for safe, private conversations. 

Portrait of a Graduate

The competencies, also known as durable skills are measurable through our neuroscience survey. The competencies are brought to life and made relatable to students to apply their innate competencies to complement their education journey and prepare for the workplace.